Place your order by Mon. 20/02 - 12pm (noon) - Collection on Tuesday 21/02 3:00-3:30pm at school

Terms & conditions


Our sweet pastries and breads are freshly made by a partner bakery on the day of the delivery.

All our breads and sweets pastries products are NUT FREE.

Our traditional galettes des rois (with alond filling) are freshly made by a  partner bakery on the day of the delivery.


Orders can be placed exclusively online.

Galettes orders need to be placed before Monday midnight for a delivery the following Friday afternoon in front of the school.



Galettes des Rois orders need to be collected on Fridays at school pickup between 3:10pm-3:30pm, in front of the main school gate

Orders will be individually wrapped and labelled with the name of the person who places the order. Please bring your own bag to carry your order.


Returns & exchanges

We do not accept any return or exchange.



100% of the sales profits are a fundraising for projects in the school. The sale is organised by APL Ecole de Wix

More information about APL here.